Things to Know

The Brandywine Tabletop Gaming Club is no longer active at this time.  Please contact us if you'd like to be the new host!!

Welcome! Please help us spread the word! Here are a few things you need to know:

1. DUES:  There is no dues, therefore much of what we ask is because of that. 

2. BYO: Please bring your own food, drink, and games. We have lots of games, but more are always welcome.

3. AGE LIMITS: We ask all that attendees be over 13 years of age or mature 10+yo with responsible adults, only. We reserve the right to disallow children from playing certain games.

4. ALCOHOL: Alcohol is allowed, but we will be VERY strict about not allowing underage drinking and behavior surrounding drinking when minors are present.

5. RSVP: PLEASE RSVP by the calendar day before the event. If there is not enough interest in an event, we will cancel, so your RSVP is very important. RSVPs can be made through Eventbright or Email.

6. TABLE HOSTS: If you'd like to be a Table Host (TH), please let me know as soon as you can so that I can advertise what game you'd like to run.  More information can be found HERE or you can contact me.

7. STAY UPDATED: If you want to stay updated on latest posts, enter your email into the "Follow By Email" box in the right column.  You also can sign-up with your RSS Feeder, also found in the right column. You won't be deluged with emails.  We're sticking mostly to event postings and maybe some post-event updates.

7. FUN!: No Rules-Nazis! We just want to have fun! 

8. PREACH!: Please help us spread the word!

9. QUESTIONS: Any questions, please Email Us!