Monday, January 21, 2019

NEWS: A Note About Facebook and RSVPs

I'm beginning to move away from Facebook for a variety of reasons.  For purposes of BTGC, a few of our members are not on FB (including Tim), so I want to focus on a platform that will reach everybody.

The other reason I'll be using FB less is because their Events feature doesn't work well for planning. Knowing about how many people will be attending helps us know what rooms and how many tables to set-up (or if we need to cancel because it's a bad weekend for folks).  FB doesn't allow us to turn off the "Interested" response, which isn't helpful to our planning.

For now, I'm trying Eventbright to handle the RSVPs.  I'm hoping this will give us a more accurate count of attendees for each event.

Some notes about Eventbright... you do not need to print or bring the "ticket" to the event.  We get a list of who will be attending and that's enough for us.  If you register for an event, but something comes up, NO PROBLEM... just email us and let us know.  We can take your name off the list.

Finally, if you're not on FB a lot yourself, you can get updates from this website by either signing up through an RSS feed (Subscribe to BTGC), or entering your email address (Follow by Email)... or both.  I won't flood your inbox with daily emails.  I generally keep posts to Events (once or twice a month), Newsletters (once a quarter), Post-Event synopsis (sometimes, not always), and news updates like this (irregular).  If I feel chatty, it will go on FB.

We're not getting rid of the FB group, because it definitely has its uses.  I am, however, going to be presenting all the information for the group in this webpage/blog, then simply posting the link onto FB.  Our son, Alex, will be helping to keep the FB current and monitoring it regularly; so - for the die-hard FB fans, you won't miss a thing and I will still be responding in a timely manner!

I have also set-up New Email Address for the group so that you can RSVP via email if you'd like.

Thank you and we'll see you all on February 16th for our monthly gaming day!!

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