Sunday, August 18, 2019

NEWS: A Summer Ghost

We haven't meant to be ghosting everybody, but it's been a busy summer!  For oh-so-many reasons we haven't hosted any games at The House in the Woods this summer.  ... nor will we do so during August or September.  We're getting the house spruced up to list, so there will be masons, roofers, and painters (oh my!) around for the next couple of months.  This is NOT the best atmosphere for gaming.

BUT - if YOU would like to host a game day at your house (under the Brandywine Tabletop Gaming Club name), please let us know and we'll help you facilitate that! We'll do whatever you need us to do to run the day!

We will be at Barrage on Saturday, September 28th in Havre de Grace, MD.  They put on a GREAT convention and each year it just keeps getting better.  The HAWKs are a great group of people and we always enjoy ourselves.  If you'd like to carpool - we're only going on Saturday - just let us know.

We went to HMGS' Historicon this year and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  The new venue at the Lancaster Marriott downtown was great.  While our bar bill was a bit excessive, it was a TON of fun and we played some great games. 

Tim hosted a DAWG (Delaware Area WarGamers) game last weekend, running a Barbarossa scenario using Too Fat Lardies' Chain of Command.  Once the house is back in order, he may run it again here. 

We will be going to DAWG again on 8/23, as Jim will be running Desperado and the return of One Toof Sally.  If you're interested, please go to their Facebook Page and let Jim know:

So - for now - no games at The House in the Woods until further notice, but if we come up with another location, we'll let you know!

Happy Gaming!

Monday, July 8, 2019

NEWS: Busy Wargaming...

This past weekend was a wargaming weekend, to be sure!  Friday night we joined the Delaware Area Wargaming Group (DAWG) as Greg hosted Sharp Practice! (by Too Fat Lardies).  It was the first time Tim and Wendy played Sharp Practice rules. 

While neither of us are huge Napoleonics fans, Wendy really enjoyed the game.  As always, Too Fat Lardies delivers a great beer and pretzels rule set.  Greg set-up random commander characters.  Wendy's was a real "rotter".  Really - the card said that.  The objective was for the French to keep the Russians from getting a keg of beer from one of the farm houses.  The game went long, so we didn't officially "finish", but the Russians succeeded in at least getting the keg, but they had a long ways to go to get it out.  I think they would have prevailed.  Here are some of the pictures:

Then Saturday afternoon, we went to Tom's house so he could do a final play test of the Pegasus Bridge scenario that he's running this Friday and Saturday at Historicon in Lancaster.  He's using the Too Fat Lardies' Chain of Command.  His Pegasus Bridge set-up is STUNNING!  He was running the movie, "The Longest Day" while we were playing and he did a beautiful job of recreating the scenes.  Amazing.  If you're going to Historicon, I suggest you stop by and check it out.  Tom didn't really need our help, as he had the game fairly well balanced and fun to play.  Here are those pictures:

We leave for Historicon Wednesday afternoon and are looking forward to the new venue in Lancaster at the Downtown Marriott.  We got upgraded to a suite (we think...), so should be able to get lots of gaming in.  Usually the evenings are when the board games and other games come out.  Because Lancaster is so close to us, we often commute back and forth each night, but are treating ourselves to staying there!

If you're headed up on Wednesday, let us know!

Stay tuned for the post-con report next week.  Other attendees are more than welcome to send us their report to be published, too!

Happy Gaming!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

NEWS: No June Gaming Day, but Wait...

Summer is a crazy time of the year for all of us, so we've decided to take a month off and not have a June Gaming Day.  BUT...

On Friday, June 21st, DAWG (Delaware Area Wargaming Group) is hosting What A Tanker! by Too Fat Lardies. If you're interested in attending, please contact Jim Ferich through DAWG's Facebook page.

In July, we are headed to Historicon 2019 in Lancaster, PA for an extended weekend of tabletop miniature gaming. Hands down, it is one of our favorite cons to attend and look forward to it every year.  If you haven't gone, it's close enough to the Brandywine Valley to make a day trip.  I suggest you check it out.  If you do plan to try it but don't want to show up on your own, just let us know and we'll meet you there!  For more information, check out the Historicon website:

Don't forget that the Kennett Library has Tea and Boardgames every other Wednesday at 5:30 pm. The next one is tonight!  We recommend that you call ahead of time to verify the date and time.

You can find all the local and local-ish gaming events on our events calendar (please contact us if you have an event to be added).

We hope everybody is having a fabulous summer!  We're still not sure if we're having an event in July or August, so stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

EVENT: May Game Day!

When:  May 18, 2019. 12:30pm - 6pm

Where:  140 Thompson Rd., Kennett Square, PA 19348

RSVP  is necessary and can be done (Please!  It helps us know how many to set-up for!)

MINIATURES:  Table Host:  Tim Myers running Chain of Command (Too Fat Lardies). This is a platoon level WWII game that is, in Tim's opinion, better than Bolt Action.

BOARD GAMES: Table Host:  Alex Myers running 7 Wonders. Alex is great at teaching new players and 7 Wonders is a great game to be introduced to Eurogames!

Open table gaming tables will be available and we're always looking for other folks to be Table Hosts. Please contact us if you want to be a Table Host and we'll advertise it!

CARD GAMES:  Open table gaming (choose when you get here). Did I mention you can be a Table Host?!

We are looking for Table Hosts! Please let us know if you'd like to host a particular game during this event.

Open table gaming can be chosen from our own game list or you can bring your own.

Please be sure to read Things to Know, since it includes things like bringing your own food, drink, etc. and other courtesy-like things.  See you soon!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

NEWSLETTER: April 2019

Edition 3
April 2019

The latest quarterly is live! Edition 3 is out !

Please give us feedback as to what you want to see. Don't forget... we need you!

We're looking for contributors for
  • Game Reviews
  • Convention Reviews (particularly board game conventions and events)
  • Gaming Clubs
  • Event Announcements
  • Event Synopsis
  • anything else...???
So - check out the new newsletter!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

EVENT: April Game Day!

When:  April 20, 2019. 1pm - 5pm

Where:  140 Thompson Rd., Kennett Square, PA 19348

RSVP  is necessary and can be done at (Please!  It helps us know how many to set-up for!)

MINIATURES:  Looking for a Table Host!

BOARD GAMES: Open table gaming tables will be available and we're always looking for folks to be Table Hosts.

CARD GAMES:  Open table gaming (choose when you get here). Did I mention you can be a Table Host?!

We are looking for Table Hosts! Please let us know if you'd like to host a particular game during this event.

Open table gaming can be chosen from our own game list or you can bring your own.

Please be sure to read Things to Know, since it includes things like bringing your own food, drink, etc. and other courtesy-like things.  See you soon!

Saturday, March 23, 2019

CANCELED - Today's Game

We're sorry, but we have to cancel today's game.  Jim, our Table Host, is unable to make it because he and his wife had to put their cat Zeus down today.  We will try to reschedule for another time.

Thank you.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

EVENT: March Gaming Day - CANCELED

CANCELED. We're sorry for the inconvenience.  Jim's cat, Zeus, had to be put down this morning.  :(

When:  March 23, 2019. 1pm - 6pm

Where:  140 Thompson Rd., Kennett Square, PA 19348

RSVP  is necessary and can be done at by 3/20/19. (Please!  It helps us know how many to set-up for!)

MINIATURES:  What A Tanker! (Too Fat Lardies).  
Table Host: Jim Ferich (of Delaware Area Wargaming Group fame).

BOARD GAMES: Open table gaming tables (choose when you get here). If you have a game that you want to play, let us know and we'll set you up as a Table Host and advertise it!

CARD GAMES:  Open table gaming (choose when you get here). Did I mention you can be a Table Host?!

We are looking for Table Hosts! Please let us know if you'd like to host a particular game during this event.

Open table gaming OR Table Host gaming can be chosen from our own game list or you can bring your own.

Please be sure to read Things to Know, since it includes things like bringing your own food, drink, etc. and other courtesy-like things.  See you soon!

Monday, January 21, 2019

NEWS: A Note About Facebook and RSVPs

I'm beginning to move away from Facebook for a variety of reasons.  For purposes of BTGC, a few of our members are not on FB (including Tim), so I want to focus on a platform that will reach everybody.

The other reason I'll be using FB less is because their Events feature doesn't work well for planning. Knowing about how many people will be attending helps us know what rooms and how many tables to set-up (or if we need to cancel because it's a bad weekend for folks).  FB doesn't allow us to turn off the "Interested" response, which isn't helpful to our planning.

For now, I'm trying Eventbright to handle the RSVPs.  I'm hoping this will give us a more accurate count of attendees for each event.

Some notes about Eventbright... you do not need to print or bring the "ticket" to the event.  We get a list of who will be attending and that's enough for us.  If you register for an event, but something comes up, NO PROBLEM... just email us and let us know.  We can take your name off the list.

Finally, if you're not on FB a lot yourself, you can get updates from this website by either signing up through an RSS feed (Subscribe to BTGC), or entering your email address (Follow by Email)... or both.  I won't flood your inbox with daily emails.  I generally keep posts to Events (once or twice a month), Newsletters (once a quarter), Post-Event synopsis (sometimes, not always), and news updates like this (irregular).  If I feel chatty, it will go on FB.

We're not getting rid of the FB group, because it definitely has its uses.  I am, however, going to be presenting all the information for the group in this webpage/blog, then simply posting the link onto FB.  Our son, Alex, will be helping to keep the FB current and monitoring it regularly; so - for the die-hard FB fans, you won't miss a thing and I will still be responding in a timely manner!

I have also set-up New Email Address for the group so that you can RSVP via email if you'd like.

Thank you and we'll see you all on February 16th for our monthly gaming day!!

Monday, January 14, 2019

A Year of Gaming

The BTGC Calendar of Events is really heating up!  Be sure to check it out!  Recent additions include:

  • BTGC Gaming Days for February and March
  • BTGC Intro to RPGs Workshop sessions for the end of February and beginning of March
  • DAWG's January Event
  • Springfield Day of Games Events
  • Several Gaming Cons, including Williamsburg Muster, Dreamation, Genericon, Simcon, Mepacon, Dexcon, and the World Board Game Championships.  

Already on the calendar were Cold Wars, Historicon, and the Kennett Library's Tea and Boardgames nights.

Each event includes a description with links for registration and more information.

If you know of any events or are running your own, please let me know and I'll be sure to get it on there!  I'm always happy to advertise events for gamers!

Monday, January 7, 2019

EVENT: Intro to RPGs

We have had a member express interest in learning how to play RPGs, so will be offering an Intro to RPG Workshop over the course of two sessions. New (and seasoned players with an esprit de corps who have patience with new players) are VERY welcome!

Tim will teach the basics of an RPG and do a dungeon crawl to put those basics to use. Tim is a seasoned DM (Dungeon Master) and has been running games since 1979.  He teaches the game strictly as a tabletop game (not cos-play, so please... no costumes...) and teaches in a learn-as-you-play format.

WHAT:  Introduction to RPGs (using D&D 2nd Edition - we're a little behind the times, but the basic concepts are the same).

WHEN: Session 1:  February 23rd, 1pm - 6pm
             Session 2: March 9th, 1pm - 6pm.

WHERE: 140 Thompson Rd., Kennett Square, PA 19348

RSVP:  We need 4 - 6 people committed to both sessions for this to work.  If we don't get four people we'll cancel.  HOWEVER, get your RSVPs in early because we are capping the attendance at 6 people (we will keep a waiting list or schedule another workshop for the overflow). RSVP BY 2/16/19.  If we need to cancel, we'll let you know by 2/19/19. RSVP for session I at and session II at

UPDATE:  Registration is now closed and we have our players for these events.  AS A REMINDER TO PLAYERS who came on 2/23/19... the 2nd session is moved from March 9th to APRIL 6th! Tim will have calculated everybody's new levels and we will complete the adventure.  THANKS FOR A GREAT time!!

WHAT TO BRING:  Your own food and drink, dice if you got em' (we have them if you don't), an open mind, and your creativity.

Session 1 (2/23/19):  The Basics
  • What are RPGs?
  • Rolling up characters.
  • Storyline basics.
  • Beginning adventuring

Session 2 (3/9/19) (4/6/19):  Completing the Adventure
  • Continue and finish the adventure.
  • Level up!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

EVENT: February Open Gaming

When:  February 16, 2018. 1pm - 6pm

Where:  140 Thompson Rd., Kennett Square, PA 19348

RSVP  is necessary and can be done at by 2/14/19. (Please!  It helps us know how many to set-up for!)

MINIATURES:  TBD - Looking for a Table Host.

BOARD GAMES: Open table gaming tables will be available and we're always looking for folks to be Table Hosts.

CARD GAMES:  Open table gaming (choose when you get here). Did I mention you can be a Table Host?!

We are looking for Table Hosts! Please let us know if you'd like to host a particular game during this event.

Open table gaming can be chosen from our own game list or you can bring your own.

Please be sure to read Things to Know, since it includes things like bringing your own food, drink, etc. and other courtesy-like things.  See you soon!

NEWSLETTER: January 2019

Edition 2, Issue 1
January 2019

The latest quarterly is live! Edition 2, Issue 1 is out and we're ready to kick off the New Year!

UPDATE:  There is one error... the next DAWG meeting on January 12th begins at 1pm, not at 7pm as listed.  It is correct in the Calendar of Events online.  

Please give us feedback as to what you want to see. Don't forget... we need you!  We're looking for contributors for
  • Game Reviews
  • Convention Reviews (particularly board game conventions and events)
  • Gaming Clubs
  • Event Announcements
  • Event Synopsis
  • anything else...???
So - check out the new newsletter!!