We haven't meant to be ghosting everybody, but it's been a busy summer! For oh-so-many reasons we haven't hosted any games at The House in the Woods this summer. ... nor will we do so during August or September. We're getting the house spruced up to list, so there will be masons, roofers, and painters (oh my!) around for the next couple of months. This is NOT the best atmosphere for gaming.
BUT - if YOU would like to host a game day at your house (under the Brandywine Tabletop Gaming Club name), please let us know and we'll help you facilitate that! We'll do whatever you need us to do to run the day!
We will be at Barrage on Saturday, September 28th in Havre de Grace, MD. They put on a GREAT convention and each year it just keeps getting better. The HAWKs are a great group of people and we always enjoy ourselves. If you'd like to carpool - we're only going on Saturday - just let us know.
We went to HMGS' Historicon this year and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The new venue at the Lancaster Marriott downtown was great. While our bar bill was a bit excessive, it was a TON of fun and we played some great games.
Tim hosted a DAWG (Delaware Area WarGamers) game last weekend, running a Barbarossa scenario using Too Fat Lardies' Chain of Command. Once the house is back in order, he may run it again here.
We will be going to DAWG again on 8/23, as Jim will be running Desperado and the return of One Toof Sally. If you're interested, please go to their Facebook Page and let Jim know: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1748351998811384/.
So - for now - no games at The House in the Woods until further notice, but if we come up with another location, we'll let you know!
Happy Gaming!
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